
Advice To Jurors And Art Curators

I recently entered some of my video art works into a major art festival that could really change the life of an emerging artist. I don’t want to mention the festival I’m talking about because I really think it is a festival organized by serious people who really believe in emerging artists.

The purpose of this post is to point out the wrong behavior of the selection committee. I had specified that my works should be viewed in the best possible way because they are video installations available in a format up to 12K and that the details are really important to understand the potential of my works. Despite my recommendations, the juror, who examined them, watched my works from a cell phone (375×667 pixels!!!). Now I also wonder what situation he was in when he did it! This for me, besides being anything but a professional attitude, is also truly shameful and disrespectful to an artist. Of course I reported this behavior to the festival organizers.

Whoever agrees to participate in a selection jury should examine the works in an isolated place in order to have the maximum attention and the works should be viewed at least from a computer screen.

If you are a juror or an art curator, please, always remember this post because you have a great responsibility to the artists you will be examining.